| Senin, 21 April 2014

Name  : Husna Fadhilla
Class   : 1SA04
Npm    : 14613149
First of all I want to tell you a definitions about tourism according to the expert, In 1976 the Tourism Society of England's definition was: "Tourism is the temporary, short-term movement of people to destination outside the places where they normally live and work and their activities during the stay at each destination. It includes movements for all purposes."

In 1981, the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism defined tourism in terms of particular activities selected by choice and undertaken outside the home.

In my opinion Tourism is an activity when someone travelling or visiting an interesting places for vacation or recreational purposes for escape from the daily routine, but sometimes tourism is not always for recreational purposes but can be also for study, religious purposes, medical purposes and business.

Tourism can bring many advantages and disadvantages especially in social and economic field. The advantages in social field is encourages the preservation of traditional customs, handicrafts and festivals. And the disadvantages is visitor behavior can have effects that are less well on the quality of life of the community, for example: drugs, alcohol problems, prostitution and increased crime levels can occur. The advantages in economic field are creates more jobs for local communities, it’s bring in money and of course it’ll be increasing income for local economy and the government, and  the tourism industry also provides opportunities for small-scale business enterprises such as airport and hotel taxes, which can be used for schools, housing and hospitals. And the last is the disadvantages in economic field are the tourist might destroy or steal important things from the country, the government must spending a lot of money for the cost of repair the infrastructure such as roads, visitor centers and hotels.

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